When you look back on things you have written, are you ever struck by the wisdom of your former self?
Both of this quotes are from letters to dear friends.
"Recovery isn't being perfect. Recovery is falling down, getting muddy, tripping over your own feet, taking a few steps backwards, and making mistakes. It is crawling when your legs are too weak to stand. It is believing that, no matter what, you must carry on."
"Perhaps, there is no real line between recovery and E.D.... just a continum of struggle and joy. I think the fear can be a good thing, a motivating thing. It means you are aware that at this point, recovery is fragile. But out of fragility comes the greatest strength possible. I am confident in that. Don't worry about being in recovery forever: that is far too daunting. Worry about being in recovery for this moment, for this meal, for this bite. I KNOW you can do it."
- me
6 years ago
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