My faith has never dwindled. I have been mad at God, distant from God. I have been lost and unable to find God, but I have always known that "it is by Grace [alone] I have been saved." It is by Grace alone, I can stand here. As incomplete, flawed, imperfect and broken as I am, All that i have is due to my God. This truth... is un-shatterable.
We all experience God-- or the Divine, if you will-- in unique ways. We all feel God's presence at different times, in different ways, through different means. That is the essence of the Holy Spirit: it effects each heart in a special way, it meets each heart where it is, it knows where and how and when to appeal to each of us individually.
Perhaps, this is why I have never lost my faith. Perhaps, it is not that I have never lost it; but that GOD has never let me go. The Holy Spirit has always found me, always found the perfect way or perfect person to appeal to my heart of hearts. Because of this, I owe my God more than I can fathom.
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