Your choice to step in is the only decision to make. Once you enter the Labyrinth, your path, the curves, the bends, the twist are all laid out for you. The journey to the center will be unpredictable. At times, you may feel you are walking away from your goal, that you are losing ground. Do not despair; every step you take on this spiritual journey is progress of the sincerest sort. You do not need to know how far you are from the center, instead search for the gifts in the place you stand now.
Your passage through the Labyrinth can feel lonely. However, resist the urge to tightly grasp those you pass along the way. If you cling to them, all your energy will be focused on the time you will be forced to let go. Instead, while they are close, share your journey, share your insight, share your love, and share your very being. When the time comes, allow them to pass –and be willing to pass them: for their souls will ever be intertwined with yours. You do not lose them by letting them go: our sprits do not need to be close in space to be connected.
The center is not a place to fear. You may argue that your sins, your shame, your despair, your fundamental brokenness blocks the light that should be there; but child, God is brighter than the worst darkness. At your center there is a piece of God that outshines anything of this world. There is more wisdom than you could ever ask for. There is a peace greater than you could imagine. And there is an acceptance and love that dispels all fear.
As marvelous as the center truly is, you cannot remain there forever. You must begin your outward journey. The path you walk will be the same as before, but you will see it with renewed eyes. You have been to the center and now you carry that center inside. You recognize that the twist and turns are necessary and you can cherish the lessons they provide. You can let go of your shame, your doubt, your fear: you have seen the truth; and you know, beyond a doubt, that you can always return to the safety of your center. The center which is now within your heart.
6 years ago
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